记住. . .
The best written proposal will not win money for a weak idea. 但是…
Many good ideas are often not funded because the proposal is poorly written.
Your Proposal Must STAND OUT from All the Others Being Reviewed by the Funding Agency
- Highlight your unique and innovative approaches to accomplishing your goals.
- Use technical terms judiciously, reviewers have different levels of expertise in subject 事.
- 回顾你的提案的每个部分. Make certain your methods, management, timelines, budget, and evaluation pieces are on target, are connected, and are realistic.
- 写作清晰简洁
- Style and format are as important as content.
- Follow instructions (RFP) on how to present information.
Follow the directions in the RPF and the agency’s proposal guide.
2013年2月22日,John P. Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, issued a memorandum directing federal research funding agencies R&D budgets of $100 million or more to develop a plan within six months to support increased public access to the results of research funded by the federal 政府ernment. The directive requires that the results of taxpayer-funded research, both publications and data in digital format, be made easily accessible to the general public. 后 the issuance of this directive, federal agencies developed their own public access plans and have made compliance mandatory for all grant proposals.
点击 在这里 阅读更多.
一般来说, a data 管理计划 describes the data that will be authored and how the data will be managed and made accessible throughout its lifetime. 一般来说, the contents of the data 管理计划 should include:
- 要编写的数据类型
- Standards that would be applied, for example format and metadata content
- Provisions for archiving and preservation
- 访问政策和规定
- Plans for eventual transition or termination of the data collection in the long-term 未来
The DMPTool is a collaborative effort between multiple institutions, to streamline 管理计划过程. Anyone can create a data 管理计划 using the DMPTool. A login is required to access the “wizard”, so you will want to set up an account by choosing a username and password. The DMPTool site offers a useful collection of agency-specific DMP requirements, as well as some sample plans and many public 可以作为模型的dmp.
- Create ready-to-use data 管理计划s for specific funding agencies
- Meet funder requirements for data 管理计划s
- Get step-by-step instructions and guidance for your data 管理计划 as you build it
- Preview and export your plans, as well as share them publicly
Agency 数据管理 Plans: Each agency provides information and guides about public access of federally funded research, as well as tools to develop a compliant data 管理计划.
- 国家 Science Foundation (NSF) Public Access policy requires NSF-funded investigators to deposit peer-reviewed, published journal articles and juried conference papers 在NSF公共访问存储库中. NSF数据集可以在Data上找到.政府.
- 国家 Institutes of Health (国家卫生研究院) requires that all investigators funded by the 国家卫生研究院 submit or have submitted for them to the 国家 医学图书馆's PubMed Central an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official 出版日期. 国家卫生研究院 Data Sharing Repositories are available at the U.S. 国家 医学图书馆.
国家卫生研究院 Data Sharing Repositories (数据)
- Department of Agriculture (USDA) public access policy for scholarly publications requires authors to submit all final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts once the manuscript is accepted for publication to USDA public access archive system PubAg. 农业数据共享 (currently in BETA form) is a data access system maintained by the USDA 国家 Agricultural 库(部分).
- 美国能源部(DOE) hosts a portal and a search interface tool, the Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (PAGES), to enhance the discoverability of unclassified and otherwise unrestricted scholarly publications resulting from DOE funding.
Contains list of evaluators you can contact to evaluate your program
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook
国家 Network of Libraries of Medicine
赞助项目管理 must approve your budget before you can submit.
一起工作 赞助项目管理 最后确定你的预算.
一起工作 Judy McShannon, Manager of 研究 Development if you have questions about 制定预算. 朱迪思.mcshannon@abadiadetortoreos.com
- 联邦
- 法律
- 法规- 2 CFR 200
- 规则
- 机构的指导方针
- 状态
- 公共机构
- 国家法律
- 政策
- 程序
- 的指导方针
- 标准作业程式
Are costs allowable, allocable, reasonable?
- 赞助商的指导方针
- 2 CFR 200
- NMT的政策
- Direct: costs identifiable to a specific project
- Indirect: costs incurred as part of overall operations
- Application/treatment of costs should be consistent
- Excessive, inappropriate, or late cost transfers
- 手动调整
- 不许可
- 修改发票/财务报告
- 审计发现
- Loss of expanded authorities or letter of credit drawdown eligibility